Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Even Leo Can't get a fix on this!

Global Benchmarks in behaviour competencies is at best a fanciful thought.So much as it may make good selling story for products that position around such differentiating offerings,they hardly stand up to robust ,studied scrutiny.
First,the simple reasons why.
Globally our communities are varied and behaviour as response to the environments we grow in is typical to the environs in which mostly our learning,settling years are spent.We do learn on the boil as we grow and adapt behaviours to meet our challenges pronto,but our instinctive behaviour is initiated from our early growings.Our adaptive behaviour merely builds around our early essential way of doing things.
And I dont want to introduce the unending nature vs nurtured debate as another lead in this.Hopefully, I havent done so already!By chance ,for sure,and not design!!
Add to it the complexity of variant behaviours conditioned by multiplexed situations you would have a very complicated thread-ball.To pull out one single defining thread and call it the global benchmark would thus be an awfully complex task.
Impossible by most.
And I guess Leonid Hurwicz too can't get this in one ecosystem of prediction and call it a standard.The variety is so hugely complexed.
Which is the interesting part.
I bother "Leo" might get it if at all.So what?How disinteresting a solution to essentially a romantic challenge.No.No one has done this before.Never mind the claims!!

Saturday, March 14, 2009


Ceaser is also likely in these un-Roman times.Sprawled all over me and brushing his mane to a peach shine...How dya send for him..."Biscuit"..C'mon Biku(the nick of..).And you may perhaps have them brow a quizzical inverted V at calls like Lennon,Churchill.
And then there is the debated,few say dementic,community address Slumdog Millionnaire.The one who responds to the commonplace Oscar agrees its flattering tho'.
And my footshine...Snoweye is his call...Asterix and the sailor look were my kid faves and he gets titled thus.Shining feet and shins his dot your shin if my foot is unavailable.Where I mostly park in these recession times for my evening belter..this guy calls all of them Sherry,Whiskey..and naming the third one who toes in softly blurpin' is a no-cracker..Soda.
But that goes the same for us too ain't it!!
But we do get called gods and hell be had if you christen them thus.Remember the trouble that half-strapped lass got into for daring to remember her calling thru convenient god namings.She apologised and changed names.The kids didnt mind..its just that they take larger howls to respond..they know their master can bend like she by them is today part of the pack.
But this exclusion of certain class of names is interesting.Mercifully!!.. muses Snoweye.Atleast the performance expectations are not unrealistic.
But how this guy gets to Che...
"Shoot me!!.. you coward..."the last admonish of Che to his tormentors,very much defined Che.
His namesake tho' jealously marks and guards his boundaries in packs.Ever been chased by a pack of less domesticated in streets while whistling on your bike?
Here the master too does so likewise.
And all the tormented at the conclave couldnt shoo...Or leash Mush!!

Sunday, March 1, 2009


While reviewing a business case study,a friend spend considerable time labouring to emphasise the relevance of emoting while processing Redundancy Programs in organisations. Agreed there is little merit in arguing against propah behavior!And propah communications is an absolute given in this..
My case is when we color these communications in an emotional dark red hue we mess issues.
Mostly these emotional backclaps are seen by those being laid off as posturing exercises.They hardly address the prime concern of the "parted"... That is when and wherefrom would the next pay checks come from.
And thus this emotional balm actually hurts rather than assuage feelings.
Rather the action has to permeate earlier from a strategically informed and tactically trained deployment of a touch nudge at the right time.So that people get the message and decide and act for themselves..a by far the better option.
We need to empower people to understand the import of the nudges when thus touched.Either as the one sending them on behalf of the management.Or as the unfortunate one who has just been laid off for little reason..
(And there can be no good reason for it .Try asking anyone who has been benched!)
Empowerment to make a smart decisions is the that parting happens without a surprise discovery of a hole in the pocket at the wrong joint.Besides the hole in the heart and the chest too.A sharp sudden surgical hack does all of that.
The jars of emotional balm to help heal are seldom enough.
And mostly these wounds dont go,if they have been surgically caused to unprotected,ill equipped bodies!!
Actually the emotional stanzas are heavy at these times.And irrelevant.
Mostly.If not always.
Even with the best dramatists treatise...choreographed with finely tuned playwrighting!!