Monday, August 26, 2013

Do you catch the sun?

In the morning before the pigeons follow the chirping twitters...
Cockerels actually trumpet later than we believe they do...try walking pre-dawn into a village with its share of unmanaged poultry...Hour of nectar beckons,somewhere in betwixt the losing blanket of darkness...the celestial lordship has declared its intent.But not presented his view..or fury.
The cool wetness in the barefeet awakens the senses.The holy call trumpets a yet another beginning.The day has begin.And so have I!!
(A later than this awakening is opportunity watch a beginning in all its splendour..sound and light! Join me for a barefoot walk at 0510 take-off at the park.And why do you believe you are invited? Well just yesterday I made it at 0500..into the pack of stray dogs that frolic at this time.They stomped and abrased me all over.I was not carrying their feed.Till this gentleman in a very basic kurta-pyjama emerged as the braveheart.
I ran to escape the fury and the snarls.Turning just to thank him perhaps.
But all I saw was a very cajoled pack of scattered dogs attempting to find their warmth within themselves.No sight!
The sun emerged for a view a lot later than usual that particular day.
I am still unclear of whereabouts of that person.His kurta-pyjama was starched white is all I recall.No clear memory of face.And he did not speak.No yells to the dogs too.And thus no sound.The dogs submissively obeyed what he gestured with a flourish.I think I heard the fracture of the crisp starched kurta.That was all!!)